

Enter more details or select from the list to the right.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
What time did this occur?
List the witnesses
What kind of violence took place?
Was a weapon used?
Did they use their body or hands?
Was it sexual assault?
Including, but not limited to, rape, attempted rape, physical display, or unwanted verbal or physical sexual contact.
Was it an animal attack?

Were there injuries to you?
Was anyone else injured?
Were emergency medical responders other than law enforcement contacted, such as a Fire Department, Paramedics, or first-aid personnel?

Was this violence verbal? if so, which applies?
Is this violation still occuring?

By reporting this, an investigation may commence. You can report this anonymously, but we encourage employees to speak up if someone has violated your rights. We take all reports seriously. By reporting this, you declare that the aforementioned information is true and correct. Giving false information is a violation and will also be investigated.